On 1st August from 19:00 I’ll be exhibiting some new work alongside a slew of other artists for Digbeth First Friday. Black Hole Club (from Vivid Projects) and Stryx are delighted to invite you to Between Two Worlds, a Lynchian collaborattion hosted by Vivid Projects, incorporating set design, projections, dictaphones, optical illusions, forests, wallpaper,…
On August 5th from 13:00-17:00 I’ll be running a Pure Data workshop at Vivid Projects. Pure Data (aka Pd) is an open source a Visual Programming Language, similar to the likes of vvvv and Max/MSP. Pd enables musicians, visual artists, performers, researchers, and developers to create software graphically, without writing lines of code. Pd…
I’ll be returning to Liverpool on 25th July for Syndrome Sessions 2.0: State-Free State of a.P.A.t.T island. SYNDROME launches its next series of works illustrating new approaches to political, emotional and technological control. The first event of this phase is hosted by a.P.A.t.T., who recalibrate the 24 Kitchen Street space as an industrial dystopia…