
  • Coding Camo Workshop – 15th – 17th August

    The Office for Art, Design and Technology (led by Ryan Hughes) is delivering its Camouflage Season as a part of Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum’s exhibition, Concealment and Deception and as a part of Leamington Camouflage Festival. For its Coding Camo Workshop on the 17th August I’ll be delivering a Pure Data workshop…

  • Cephalopod, 5th August

    On Friday 5th August Data Destructive Art (Study 1) by myself and Lucy Hutchinson (as Evasive Manoeuvres) will be screening at Cephalopod at Supernormal Festival in Oxfordshire. Cephalopod is a collaborative film-based hub taking residence for the weekend of Supernormal 2016. Their striking mollusc-inspired shed hidden deep in the woods will host a scheduled…

  • Thinking Out Loud launch, 14th July

    On 14th July I traveled back to London (I might as well live there) for the launch of Thinking Out Loud at the Open Data Institute. ‘Thinking Out Loud’ is the fifth Data as Culture art exhibition at the Open Data Institute. The exhibition is built around the practice of the 2016 ODI Sound…

  • There is No Script for This, 28th July

    On 28th July I’ll be at Eastside Projects talking about how my career developed after my studies for There is No Script for This. What do people do when they leave art school? How do you begin to develop a career in the visual arts? How long does it take to build momentum? And…

  • Thinking Out Loud, 15th July 2016 – 31st March 2017

    From 15th July 2016 – 31st March 2017 some new work of mine will be included in the group show Thinking Out Loud at the Open Data Institute in London. ‘Thinking Out Loud’ is the fifth Data as Culture art exhibition at the Open Data Institute. The exhibition is built around the practice of…

  • RIP Libre Graphics magazine

    On March 9th Libre Graphics magazine announced that after six years it would stop publishing new issues. Current and past issues are still available while stocks last. Since 2012 I wrote for Libre Graphics magazine as a regular columnist. Prior to this my illustration, What Revolution? was featured in issue 1.2. The idea for…

  • Elephant Magazine – Logos & Protest

    The latest issue of Elephant Magazine is out and is focused on brands and copyright: I’m With The Brand Are brands out to get us? Could our food, sartorial, satirical and political choices now all be considered as brand alliances? Most importantly, do we secretly really love the idea of being defined in this…

  • Last Day

    As part of the Random String microFestival on Thursday 9th June I installed Last Day at Unit 22 at the City Arcade in Coventry. Last Day is a piece that highlights the fragility of financial markets and the unpredictable nature of consumer habits, market forces and trends. The effects of these have been far…

  • Moving Bodies Festival, 24th-25th June

    Myself and Rachel Sweeney will be returning to MART in Dublin, Ireland to perform at Moving Bodies Festival from 24th-25th June. For this we will be revisiting Multiplicitous States (previously QWOP Dance): Multiplicitous states is a new collaborative work which seeks to question the politics of difference in looking at dance across virtual and…

  • Cat Heroicus Sublimis

    A gif from my 2011 piece, What is your glitch? 1bitgifavibmpbmpcmykbmprgbjpgmpgpcxpixpngppmsgisvgtgawebp, is currently on show in the online exhibition Cat Heroicus Sublimis from Peer to Space. Cat Heroicus Sublimis explores how digital artists use abstract visual language. The title refers to Barnett Newman’s painting Vir Heroicus Sublimis (1950-51) at MoMA. Newman hoped that the…