
  • Fierce Festival 2013

    This year’s Fierce Festival starts on 4th October and I’ll be taking part in two ways: Live Art in 2113 From 11ish on October 4th I’ll be taking part in a discussion at the mac where we give our thoughts on what we think live art will be like in 2113 A gathering exploring…

  • SuperByte 2013 moments

    SuperByte 2013 happened a couple of weeks ago and I have to say it was one of the most exciting festivals/events that I’ve performed at! It was great to meet lots of old friends, make plenty of new ones and discover lots of new music! Thanks to everyone involved for making it happen again!…

  • Excerpts from a conversation with Erik H Rzepka

    Conversation started Tuesday 17/09/2013 22:52 Erik H Rzepka hey antonio! was at _ģ̶Ł̶1̶ɫ̶C̶ʮ̶_Δ┌┼- this weekend, was interested in ur video piece – how did you start as an artist and then get into making pieces like that one? what can you tell me about it thematically and how it relates to ur practice in…

  • Ghosting Volume #3, 28th September

    On Saturday 28th September some of my video work will be displayed alongside works by Adam Ferris, Nick Briz, Jamie Boulton and Andrew Benson at Ghosting Volume 3 in Los Angeles. I’ll be showing some of my oldest pieces, which focus more on computer generated imagery, alongside some newer pieces that explore hardware-based imagery.…

  • Lumiére, 20th September

    On Friday 20th September the Dark, Eerie and Manic remix video by myself and Alex Juno will be showing at Bloc Projects in Sheffield as part of Lumiére from 18:30 (Facebook event link). Lumière‘s focus is on the concept of light. Light and time; light and vision; light and being; light and perception. Light…

  • Dark, Eerie and Manic (remix)

    A visual remix of Dark, Eerie and Manic, a collaboration with Alex Juno of Elmo Sexwhistle. This time I utilised an unmodified Panasonic WJ AVE5 together with some computer-based glitches.

  • Paper Stages

    Some new text artwork will be featured in the Paper Stages publication from Forest Fringe. It is less of something to be read, but instead performed: [Forest Fringe] have created a performance space built not of bricks and mortar but paper and ink; a festival contained in the pages of a book, each page…

  • SuperByte 2013, 13-14 September

    SuperByte is, at time of writing, only two days away! In anticipation of this awesomeness I made a little preview video, with music by HarleyLikesMusic. (I should’ve probably put a flashing images warning in there) Since I last wrote about it the line-up has changed/grown to include: 8 Bit Weapon, Anamanaguchi, Broken Bit, Comptroller,…

  • _ģ̶Ł̶1̶ɫ̶C̶ʮ̶_Δ┌┼-, 12-14th September

    In Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada from 12-14th September? Some of my recent work will be exhibited alongside some great artists at _ģ̶Ł̶1̶ɫ̶C̶ʮ̶_Δ┌┼-, an exhibition curated by jonCates, at Neutral Ground Contemporary Art Forum. “Glitch Art With jonCates” is a thematic symposium taking place in Regina, Saskatchewan with visiting artist, Jon Cates (Chicago). The symposium, presented…