
  • Chicago

    It’s been over a week since GLI.TC/H finished and I’m still missing Chicago! I’ve now been to Chicago a total of three times. The first was as part of a two-month trip around North America in the Summer of 2006. I was only in Chicago for two days but I remember even then really…

  • GLI.TC/H 2112

    I was in Chicago from 5-10th December for GLI.TC/H 2112. As with the previous two years of the festival it was a really intense ~week of workshops, performances, presentations, art, pizza and copious amounts of alcohol civilised social gatherings over wine and cheese cubes. As stated previously, I gave a presentation about AlphabeNt (coming…

  • DNMw3rkstati0n:: D1RTY N3W M3DI∆ thread at GLI.TC/H – Saturday 8th December

    I’ll be taking part in the DNMw3rkstati0n:: as part of GLI.TC/H on Saturday 8th December from 10-12pm at High Concept Labs GET: dowwwn && durty IRL && online wit teh DNMw3rkstati0n:: crewww @ GLI.TC/H 2112 in Chicago! The DNMw3rkstati0n:: is an open safe space/place/work{station|shop} set aside @ GLI.TC/H for enagaging eXXXperimentz in the arts…

  • AlphabeNt at GLI.TC/H – Friday 7th December

    On Friday 7th December between 9-10pm at High Concept Labs I’ll be at GLI.TC/H in Chicago to give a short lecture on my explorations with glitch and language: Antonio Roberts’ journey into glitches and their relationship to language started with the Dataface font-hacking project in 2010, the result of which is downloadable as a…

  • MEMIC – Warpaint!

    A great time was had at the first salon for the Midlands Experimental Moving Image Collective on Friday 30th November, despite the cold! The webcam that I was hoping to use didn’t work with the Raspberry Pi (something the team are aware of) so I had to use my laptop instead. This didn’t present…

  • FRAME_birmingham

    With the launch of FRAME_birmingham I’m happy to announce that three of my pieces from Some of My Favourite songs will be exhibited and for sale between 17th Nov 2012 – 17th Feb 2013 at venues around Birmingham. Fade to Daft, which is a image remix of the song of the same name by…

  • MEMIC Film Salon 1: Warpaint! – Friday 30th November

    On Friday 30th November I’ll be taking part in the Midlands Experimental Moving Image Collective’s first salon, entitled Warpaint. It’ll be held at Althorpe Street Studios & Gallery in Leamington Spa [map] from 7pm. MEMIC Film Salon 1: Warpaint is the launch event of MEMIC (Midlands Experimental Moving Image Collective). Come along for a…

  • Sick Sad World

    More photos here

  • Extrude in Inkscape

    To design the poster image for The People VS The Machine I revisited an old technique that wrote about in 2009. The technique used the Extrude extension in Inkscape, combined with the Color > Randomize extension to create what could be described as a stained-glass effect for text. I wanted to do the same…