
  • Freecode at The reUNION

    On 13th and 14 Jly I was down in London with two other members of Freecode to perform at The reUNION in Southwark, London. Although there’s a description of the venue on the website, it still pleasantly surprised me  upon arrival A quick read on their website reveals that this site has been used…

  • BYOB Leicester, 4th August 2012

    BYOB is coming around again, only this time I’m not organising it (although I am “supporting” it)! BYOB Leicester will take place at the Fabrika Independent Arts Centre (map) on Saturday 4th August I’ll be “beamering” video work all night, though I’ve yet to decide what video I’ll show. I might even show something…

  • CóRM

    A series of self-portraits. The title comes from a random string that was found in one of the images More here

  • Freecode at The reUNION, 13th July 2012

    On Friday 13th July I’ll be performing with Freecode at The reUNION in London from around 6pm The reUNION is a new Public House, in the spirit of the 1830 Beer Act in which anyone could apply for a licence and open up their front room to the public, to sell – and even…


    as part of the Kickstarter we launched last year for GLI.TC/H 20111 we offered various physical media from different artists as incentives, these ranged from DVDs to VHS tapes to NES cartridges. One such incentive was conceived by Morgan Higby-Flowers and Jeff Donaldson (aka noteNdo) and curated/produced by Jeff Donaldson and myself (Nick Briz).…

  • Visuals for Com Truise

    On June 13th I provided visuals for Com Truise‘s gig at Bull’s Head in Moseley, Birmingham. Aside from a few technical errors (I am a glitch artist afterall 😉 ) the gig went really great! Here’s a render of some of the visuals I did set to Terminal and Air Cal from his debut…


    TOYBOX at TROVE opened on Friday 15th June. The opening was a great success! Thanks to everyone who braved the rained and came to the opening. The exhibition featured modified and hacked toys and similar-themed films and performances. Here’s the toys: And here’s a video of some of the more interactive toys in action…


    I recently got a very nice package in the post all the way from Australia! Drew Taylor (aka bowsneak) sent me a package of art and zines, one of which was GLITCH COP!3R [GLITCH COP!3R] was created as part of Sticky Institutes Target 168 2012 zinemaking challenge, in which a zine had to be…

  • TOYBOX at TROVE, Friday 15th June

    The show that I’m curating with TROVE opens to the public on Friday June 15th from 6pm Artists include: Rosie Curtis & Steph Bryant, Emilie Crewe, Claire Davies, James Gill, David Lee, Maria Mattos, Duncan McKellar, Kate Morrison, Richard Peel, Daniel Salisbury, Kate Spence and Sam Underwood In June 2012 TROVE, with Antonio Roberts,…

  • Com Truise, 13th June 2012

    Com Truise will be touring Europe and I’ll be providing visuals for his set at the Bulls Head in Birmingham on June 13th More details available on Facebook or the This is Tomorrow website. Tickets are only £5! Also, I’ll be doing my usual set at BOYD on 7th June