
  • Theremin Day

    For the last month or so the fizzPOP team and Mr Underwood have been planning the awesomely awesome Theremin Day that took place at fizzPOP on Saturday 24th April. The day kicked off with an optical theremin building workshop, which produced some very interesting sounds. One person described the noises produced as “lil creatures……

  • Show of Science at TROVE

    This week at the old Science Museum there’s an exhibition from TROVE that features a video from a.a.s, which features meeee! And now for some details: Pseudo-science, the make believe, the hand made and discovery are themes running through the four artists in this exhibition. a.a.s. have created a new piece of film and…

  • Where does it all go wrong?

    I recently turned on the TV to find that the channel it was last on was totally glitching! What I kept trying to figure out was where the glitch was occurring. Sure, it’s on screen, but what part of the signal is getting errors? I imagine that there’s three places it could’ve gone wrong:…

  • Critical Glitch Artware

    Blockparty and Notacon will be taking place in Cleaveland, Ohio from 15th-18th April and for it criticalartware will be showing a range of “Noise && New Media Art; Realtime Audio-Video Performances; Art Mods and Art Games as well as a Glitch Art screening program curated by Nick Briz!“ For this they’ll be showing one…

  • The face game

    I’m working on a live performance that in some ways will incorporate glitch and perhaps animation. This is one step towards getting a finished performance down, but also a bit of fun.

  • Glitched Badges

    Badges from my video are now available from the Created in Birmingham shop! This marks somewhat of a new shift for me as it’s the second time that I’ve taken glitch off the screen and into a more physical form. I do like that when I sent the images to print I received this…

  • It’s Just Noise!

    As readers of my blog will know by now you can easily import any data into audacity and play it as audio. However, most data that you’ll import and then play will just turn out as noise. That is simply because there’s too much noise in the image i.e. too many colours and too…

  • GPS Sounds

    Inspired by a lot of noise and randomness that I’ve listening to recently I converted Nikki‘s GPS Traces from her Uncertain Eastside project into sweet sweet noise!

  • Lost in the Shell

    As a result of the GNOME Usability Hackfest I’ve been trying out the GNOME Shell a lot. Although the result of an error with graphics cards I quite like the output of the integrated Screencast feature (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R) with the cursor almost seeming lost

  • Film Dash 2010

    Thanks to Team Make It So‘s winning Film Dash entry I can now add “Star in Award Winning Films” to my list of achievements. You can watch my awe-inspiring debut from 1:10 😉 For those who don’t know Film Dash is an event where teams have 48 hours to film and edit a movie…