
  • Moo mini cards

    I’m not sure why, but I’ve never had business cards…. until now (sorta). I’ve just finished designing these eight: As expected databending played a big part in their creation as did a bit of post processing. Time to get them printed!

  • Digital Inclusion Unconference

    On Saturday I went along to the Digital Inclusion Unconference hosted by We Share Stuff. I went there tot try and gain more ideas for fizzPOP as part of it is about getting new people in who may not have otherwise dabbled with technology. Of the four discussions that I took part in two…

  • Birthday Cake

    After seeing my newly created twitter background, Jon (aka scribbleboy) asked me to do one for him. So I did. In fact, I did several versions He asked for something red, so I took a few birthday pictures and did the equivalent of putting them through a shredder! It seems recently that there’s been…

  • Portrait of a hacker

    Recently Helen Flanagan, who was mentioned on CiB last week, contacted fizzPOP about doing portraits of hackers. I happily volunteered myself and this is how one of the pics came out: Notice the roflcopter t-shirt hiding underneath the clown shirt. Major WIN! There’s two more pics on her blog and you should check out…

  • Changing Rooms talk and workshop

    On Thursday 21st January I’ll be doing a short bit about my involvement with the Changing Rooms exhibition that’s happening at Eastside Projects. EXTRA SPECIAL PEOPLE SALON Please join us between 6.30-8pm at Eastside Projects for an introduction to ‘Changing Room’ a project by the Visual Realisation Unit at EP. With an outline of…

  • Happy New Year

    I hope this year brings you lots of good stuff and copious amounts of cake!

  • Beginnings of a glitch typeface

    I was speaking with Jon earlier about my work and he’s noted that a lot of it has been text based and then asked if I was working towards making a typeface in the same style. I must admit, my recent text based work has mostly been an excuse to use the awesome Kawoszeh…

  • Hello Glitch

    Using the same svg glitching techniques that I’ve come to love, today, with the help of Twitter folk, I created this rather short animation that compliments my new deviantART ID My initial aim was glitch the video file itself but then I figured it’d be quite different to glitch each frame individually. To do…

  • New deviantART ID

    I’ve been a part of the deviantART community for a lot longer than I have had a blog or website. I used to be very active but then drifted slightly away ’cause of the whole blogging thing though recently found myself at one of the devMeets. It’s a great way to meet other amateur,…

  • Jon Reconstructed

    Following on from my previous vector reconstruction I decided to reconstruct a much simpler vector portrait of my friend Jon, this time with music by Brad Sucks