
  • Family Build Up

    One of the most common questions I, and possibly any other digital artist gets when they present their work is how they do it. I occasionally reveal some of my methods in my tutorials but otherwise I like to show screenshots taken at various stages. I came across this build up script a few…

  • Changing Room at Eastside Projects

    My part in the Changing Room exhibition ended on 6th December. For the benefit of those wishing to build in Second Life here’s my experiences working in such an environment. Monday I was feeling ill so didn’t do any building in world but I did discover the joys of working collaboratively using Skype. Tuesday…

  • Othello

    The production of Othello is going really well. We’re four performances in and have already received positive reviews from the Guardian, Telegraph and Times and generally positive reviews from friends and attendees. Unless you have bought a ticket unfortunately there’s no way to see it as all of the tickets have now sold out,…

  • Changing Room virtual exhibition

    This week I’m putting together a piece for an exhibition in Second Life and Eastside Projects: Changing Room is an evolving mixed-reality installation that considers the inherent mutability and reusability of artefacts, concepts and situations in the Digital Age. Lead artist Michael Takeo Magruder will collaborate with Extra Special People artists Ana Benlloch, Iona…

  • Bull Glitch

    You may have noticed that in my previous post there was a nice little image of the Bull Ring Bull. I did that! Before I go on, it’s not an image that will be used for Birmingham’s City of Culture bid (though if you really like it monies plz). It’s more an image just…

  • Birmingham City Of Culture

    A few weeks ago I was contacted by Birmingham City Council to be be part of a young people’s steering group for the City Of Culture bid for 2013. I was really quite pleasantly surprised and happy to be asked, though essentially it is a bit of free work consultation to see what young…

  • fizzPOP presentation at Brumcon 9

    Brumcon 9 is coming up this Saturday and I’ve been asked to give a short talk about fizzPOP and hackerspaces. BrumCon is a regular event organised by Brum2600 regulars, featuring a wide variety of talks, discussion, demos and most importantly, alcohol. Incorrectly but neatly dubbed a ‘blackhat thinktank’ by NTK, The Register – ‘We…

  • fizzPOP presentation at Eastside Projects

    Last Thursday I gave a short presentation at Eastside Projects about fizzPOP. There were a few presentations on the night, all of which focussed on what artists have been up to since their studies. Although I’ve been out of university since July 2007 fizzPOP has really been my main activity since then. What’s interesting…

  • Verdi’s Othello

    On 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 17th and 19 December I’ll be in the chorus for Othello, which you should all come to see. If you decide to come you can book your tickets here The important stuff Tickets are £17.50, £10 concessions and it’ll be happening from 7:15pm at Argyle Works, Great Barr…