
  • Ubuntu Bug Jam

    From Friday 2nd to Sunday many Ubuntu, Linux and Open Source enthusiasts descended upon the Linux Emporium to take part in the Ubuntu Bug Jam. In the words of an Ubuntu blogger, the Ubuntu Bug Jam is: …a world-wide online and face-to-face event to get people together to fix Ubuntu bugs – we want…

  • Making a Disco Ball using Blender and Inkscape

    Awhile back I started doing a few experiments using Blender and Inkscape together. One of my creations from this was a ball. Recently one Inkscape user created a tutorial describing how to make a disco ball directly in Inkscape. Looking back at that ball that I made it kinda resembles a disco ball, so…

  • Fun Family Day!

    I had a great time with The Family on Sunday as part of the Family Fun Day. The robot petting zoo went down a treat and was probably my favourite thing to do. Perhaps I may build one too next time! Everyone seems to love the Furby… Expect to see more from The Family…

  • Family Fun Day

    I’ve worked with a.a.s. group for nearly two years on various projects, most notably Insectoid. This Saturday I’ll be part of The Family for the Family Fun Day, curated by Charlie Levine TROVE & a.a.s presents: FAMILY FUN DAY Sunday 13th September 2009 1-4pm, The Rea Gardens, Floodgate Street, Birmingham, B5 5SL (map) Have…

  • Starting off Simple

    I’ve been doing quite a bit of messing around with Alchemy. Whilst in search of solution for a problem in Blender I came across a rather awesome time-lapse digital painting from an upcoming Blender Foundation project, Durian. Not only was I blown away by the skill of the artist but also by the software…

  • Bending a penguin

    Awhile back I did a quick vector illustration of a penguin. It was nothing much really but as far as penguins go I quite liked this one. Recently (as in, the last four months) I’ve been interested in databending. Have you ever had an image you’ve taken come out like it’s been through a…

  • Blending Inkscape and Blender

    One of the things I’ve always wanted to do is to work on an image in a 3D environment but then export the resultant image to an svg. Being the open source nut that I am my main weapons of choice are Blender for 3D work and Inkscape for vector. These programs have their…

  • Inkscape tutorial: text manipulation

    I’ve been messing around with Inkscape a lot recently and have found a few cool tricks. This all originally started as an attempt to recreate an effect I saw on the Inkscape website but quickly evolved into something different. Here’s an example of the output I achieved. What’s interesting about this is that it’s…

  • In a time before the Wii

    Long ago, before the Wii came amount or was ever even mentioned, in 2007 I came up with a very dirty hack that could in theory act just like the Wii controller. I almost used it in an Insectoid performance but that never came about. The way that it would work is that the…

  • Anything you can do I can also do

    Recently at my job at any one time there’d be up to four different operating systems in just one room. There’d be Windows XP, which was on most of the computers, Windows Vista, which I used to dual boot, Ubuntu, my OS of choice and Mac OS X. I’d often have chats with one…