
  • WXWM late roundup

    Courtesy of Ms McQuillan On Saturday 14th March I was at Kitchen Garden Cafe to take part in WXWM as a panel host. My 5-minute talk was a short introduction to hacking. I wanted to dispell some myths about hackers and hacking, show how fun it can be and also promote the Birmingham Hack…

  • WXWM

    Prompted by the number of Brummies migrating over to Texas soon for SXSW, the lovely Shona McQuillain has organised something similar. In her words: It may have come to some peeps attention that a number of Brummie bods will be whooshing over to Texas all transatlantic style for SXSW (South by South West) later…

  • First Hackspace Meeting

    Last Saturday we had our very first Hackspace meeting. As we don’t yet have a building of our own it was more to sort out how to get funding, what we want to do and lots of smaller things. What I really like about the technological community is how kind and useful everyone is.…

  • Birmingham Hack Space update

    Remember my idea for a hacklab/hack space from last year? It’s still a go-ahead project and we’re looking for interested people to come to an informal meetup sometime in the near future. Join the temporary Google Group for the hack space for more discussion and details.

  • Reading List for 2009

    I tend not to make any resolutions as I believe that learning and achievement should be something that’s life-long, not constrained to a time period. Despite this I’ve decided on my reading list for 2009+. It generally consists of books I haven’t read yet but does include some that I want to revisit with…

  • More Blender Renders

    Since my last post about using Blender with vectors I’ve explored taking vectors into it and then exporting jpegs. Below is an image I stated creating awhile back in Inkscape but never finished. This is what it looks like after I’ve taken it into Blender and messed around with it a little bit Pretty…

  • Blender renders

    For the past month or two I’ve been getting my head around Blender to do some 3D modelling. It’s a tough program to learn, but with the aid of some very useful tutorials and strong community support I feel I’m getting somewhere! As well as using Inkscape to make vectors I want to explore…

  • Open Source Art Zine on The Pool

    I mentioned previously how I wanted to start an Open Source Art Zine (or something similar) and I’m still looking for any input! My idea is also up on The Pool. In case you didn’t know the pool is: …an experiment in sharing art, text, and code–not just sharing digital files themselves, but sharing…

  • Make and Do at The Edge

    On Friday 29th November I was invited to the first Make and Do Party over at The Edge, which was hosted by Friction Arts. There were about 20 artists present and there was a strong emphasis on just having fun creating art! I think there’s definite potential to increase collaboration amongst artists, possibly through…