
  • the beardos

    the beardos, originally uploaded by yaxu. A picture from OpenLab in London where they “make art and music using open source/free software”

  • Birmingham Hacklab

    I’m looking for a social centre where people can meet and learn more about computers, such as a Hacklab. There is/was a hacklab collective down in London who usually occupy the rampART social centre. A new centre opened in Birmingham recently, but I wonder if there’s a hacklab there?

  • Which licence?

    I’ve been wanting to start an open source art project for awhile now but the most confusing aspect of all of this is which licence to choose! I’ve already discovered that the GNU GPL doesn’t really cover art, and since I have stumbled upon three different licences that I could choose. Before I reveal…

  • Free Art Or Free Design

    Reading Floss+Art really has got me wondering if art should be free. By free I don’t mean public domain, but rather in a way that ensures the work stays free, such as releasing their work under Creative Commons or some similar Copyleft licence? When I approached this question I split it into two questions,…

  • Halftone Portrait

    Here’s the last in my daily pictures for this week. I’ve a busy weekend of parties and more parties, so I’ll do a whole week of drawing another week. I’ve spent most of my day feeling a little bit ill and learning how to use Blender, so this is more of an experiment than…

  • Another Tree

    I missed yesterdays image, so here it is today. I could’ve shown it last night but it just looked terrible, so thought I’d do some more on it first. I think I like trees, especially judging by the number of trees in my sketchbook! Still got another one to do today, and then I’ll…

  • Illustration Friday – Opinion

    I need a hair cut. What’s your opinion, do I keep my hair as it is or go minimalist?

  • It’s the dreaded Christmas tree!

    I’m not a very Christmasy type person. I’m not against it or anything, I just don’t really get into the spirit of it. However, I just heard a very festive song on the radio and since that all I can see are Christmas Trees! So here’s one for ya!

  • Penguin for the winter

    A little something for you guys for the winter I’m currently pursuing other things, like invigilating at the Heard and Not Seen exhibition amongst other stuff, which I’ll be sure to let you in on in due course 😉 I’m gonna try and do a vector drawing every day this week. We’ll see how…

  • Crescent Theatre are now Blogging!

    After over a year of talks with the Crescent Theatre I’ve finally got them blogging. Ok, that is a slight exaggeration as they have set up WordPress and Blogger blogs before, but now they have one central blog which benefits from traffic from the main website as well as from services such as Google…