A few weeks ago I was contacted by Birmingham City Council to be be part of a young people’s steering group for the City Of Culture bid for 2013. I was really quite pleasantly surprised and happy to be asked, though essentially it is a bit of free work consultation to see what young people want from the city.
At first it involved a group of us meeting to discuss what we like about our city, but moreso to try and identify things that related to these three categories:
Culture on Your Doorstep – exciting cultural activities delivered outside of the City Centre (including local streets and parks)
Next Generation – small and large scale cultural projects and programmes of work led by children, young people and young adults (to include personal and professional development opportunities, mentoring and shadowing)
A Great International City of the Future – cultural projects which celebrate our past, present and future and raise the profile of Birmingham internationally (including creating large scale works of art in and around the City and a potential Autumn Festival).
Now they’re looking to the wider, under-25’s audience for their opinion. There is a three-page questionnaire that young ‘uns can fill out, but more interestingly I think it’d be better to get involved in the discussion on the Facebook Group (liek wot all da cool kids iz doin)
Interestingly enough, even though it asks for people under 25 to contribute, Martin Mullaney has gotten involved in the discussion. Errr, thanks!
Answers on a post card by 4th December!