• Gifhouseparty – 16th May 2020

    On 16th May 22:00 BST I’ll be doing a gif-enfused audiovisual performance for the Well Now WTF? exhibition. In the 30 minute performance I’ll be live coding music and sounds for all of the gifs currently stuck at home! If you want to be at the party send me a gif of yourself dancing…

  • Seamless Looping Neon Trail in Blender

    I’d like to return to the fifth video in the Design Yourself series to show how i did a glowing neon trail. The video is heavily themed around robots, and if you look in the background you’ll see that it’s actually a circuit board. The circuit diagram was a random one I built using…

  • Typewriter Text Effect Revisited

    For the fifth video in the Design Yourself series I was faced yet again with the task of doing a typewriter text effect. Yay… For each of the videos the participants wrote a poem to go with it. The poems were a really important part of the video so they needed to have a…

  • Design Yourself: I Never Found Her

    In the sixth and final workshop of our Life Rewired inspired Design Yourself project, the Young Creatives worked with artist and writer Erica Scourti. Erica shared her practice with the group and explored Optical Character Recognition software and speech to text translation processes, to interrogate how identity and human understandings are influenced by these…

  • Design Yourself: Party for the End of the World

    In the fifth workshop of our Life Rewired inspired Design Yourself project, the Young Creatives worked with New Movement Collective and Fenyce Workspace who led a practical workshop introducing the group to their prototype project XO. Through exploring how machines can control and aid human movement through choreography, the group looked at and interacted…

  • Design Yourself: Evasive Techniques

    In the fourth workshop of our Life Rewired inspired Design Yourself project, the Young Creatives worked with Yoke Collective in a workshop focused on the implications of facial recognition technology. The group used Yoke Collective’s method of harnessing make up and hair extensions to avoid detection from facial recognition technologies. Combined with the creation…

  • Design Yourself: Feeling the Gallery – Making sound and music out of visual data

    In the third workshop of the Life Rewired inspired Design Yourself project, the Young Creatives worked with artist Matthew DF Evans in a workshop that turned the Barbican into a composition using pixel sonification. Using Matthew Evan’s pixel sonification method to turn the Barbican into a composition, we considered the physics of sound and…

  • Design Yourself: This home was not built to last

    In the second workshop of our Life Rewired inspired Design Yourself project, the Young Creatives worked with artist Laurie Ramsell who led a practical workshop exploring the concept of ‘human’. Through exploring trans-human and post-human philosophies, the group looked at examples of Laurie’s work which examine construct of personhood and how it has been…

  • Design Yourself: Augmented Bodies

    In the first session of our Life Rewired inspired Design Yourself project, the Young Creatives explored how people are augmenting their bodies with technology. We looked at examples in science fiction and current day of people augmenting their bodies with technology. Currently a lot of this exists as wearable devices that read our bodily…

  • Design Yourself

    Throughout 2019 and the early part of 2020 I led a programme for Barbican’s Young Creatives called Design Yourself. What does it mean to be human? Can technology be used to replicate the pheromone communication of ant colonies? Can we use technology to mimic the camouflage abilities of chameleons? Can movement be used as…