As mentioned in an earlier post I’ve decided to exclusively use open source software for my work. I’ve recently been messing around with Inkscape to see if it can offer similar or better ways of working. So far I’ve found Inkscape to be quite powerful but missing some functions that I use regularly: I…
Working for mates
I was reading through the 1000 rss feeds I’d accumulate since Reading Festival and I stumbled across this post about doing work for mates. It’s all too true. So many times I’m asked by friends to do ‘a quick logo’ or a poster design, usually with little time until it has to be complete.…
B-VAC Flash Art Mob
B-VAC Flash Art Mob, originally uploaded by hellocatfood. As advertised on the B-VAC website we had a Flash Art Mob on Saturday 16th August. It was kinda small but it went really well and I can’t wait to do another one with more and more artists involved!
The State of McArt
I was finishing off some artwork when I came across a clipping from a newspaper I picked up on my travels in America. After a bit of researching I found out it was an article written by from the California Herald. Here’s an extract: It’s painfully obvious it’s not about talent anymore, in the…
CECI at Roam The Rows Festival
CECI at Roam The Rows Festival, originally uploaded by hellocatfood. Last weekend I was in Chester with CECI to perform at the Roam The Rows Festival. I’ve been to Chester before and it really is the quaintest town I’ve ever been to. I really like how it’s modern yet has a historical feel to…
CV Dilema
I was at the pub today with Vickie Wood of CECI, discussing the next performance, when I thought I’d bring up the question about how to mention the previous performance on my CV. Do I say that I worked with CECI, as part of CECI, collaborated with, performed with or as part of or…
A waste of good wine, originally uploaded by H4NUM4N. On Wednesday I was asked by CECI to help out with the FluxFeast performance at VIVID. From the VIVID website: FluxFeast is an attempt to undermine the monumentality of art through the use of food Myself, along with other members of CECI, were slightly sinister,…
I’ve been in the freelancing game for about 7 months now and one of the major problems I’ve found is in managing my time effectively. It’s so easy to just do nothing all day and frantically rush around trying to do too much in the evening. This is why I’m attempting to map out…
Open Source
I’m going to be moving into exclusively using open source software to create artwork in the near future*. More on why once I get my head around some of the software. *that is unless it’s completely necessary that I use a piece of commercial software e.g. GMIP doesn’t support CMYK, yet Photoshop does.