Gameboy Video
Now that I have the Gameboy Camera and Printer, LSDJ and will soon have the Transferer and 32M Cartridges I’m hoping to make something like this One thing I also really like is this dance piece: I would’ve like to have seen the dancers incorporate more erratic movement and even some sort of costumes…
The Institute of Psychoplasmics
The Institute of Psychoplasmics presents an offsite evening of live art. I’ll be taking part in it with the Insectoid crew!: Empire and Daughter Isotope + Insectoid (offsite performance event) A one off performance by Tai Shani featuring epic prog band Guapo and electroclash diva Angie Reed. Cannibalizing pulp film and fiction through black…
I’m on the Printer
I’m on the Printer, originally uploaded by hellocatfood. Now I’ve got a Gameboy Printer as well. Not really needed for any projects, but it’s just a bit of fun! It’s amazing how awful the quality is, but at the same time that’s what makes it so cool!
WordPress Theme Development
I’ve finally updated to WordPress 2.5. Great looking interface! On a similar note I’ve finally decided that I’m going to develop my own WordPress theme. Although I have a bit of knowledge when it comes to CSS and PHP I’m not really clued up on the structure of WordPress, so have always avoided it.…
These last three months have been the most exciting, scary and interesting months of the last few years. I’ve gone from being a student who was shoved out into the real world only to be unemployed for six months to now having steady income, lots of interesting friends and a load of upcoming interesting…
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Gameboy, originally uploaded by hellocatfood. It’s surprising how hard it is to win a Gameboy from ebay. Nearly everyone wants one and because they’re usually sold in a bundle with…
Antonio Round the Table
Two Antonio’s in one room. Never had this before. The other is Antonio Gould.
Linux Alternative Project
I found the Linux Alternative Project to be quite useful in finding alternatives to popular software packages that are Linux compatible. However, for those of us still on Windows/Mac, the Open Source Alternative website is more regularly updated and probably more useful 😉
Birmingham Visual Arts Coalition
It looks like I’m now part of/somewhat involved with Birmingham Visual Arts Coalition that was advertised this time last month. A couple of the artists had a bit of a meeting on Saturday and, well, lets just say I’m very interested in seeing where this is all going to go. It’s all very exciting,…