• If You Go Down In The Woods Today

    A followup to the last post. Here’s the blurb from the video caption: Insectoid went to Earlswood and engaged in a silent, collaborative painting experiment. We decided the basic plan beforehand, but no verbal communication took place during the 2.5 hours of painting. The process of carrying back to the studio had an effect…

  • Painting

    Painting, originally uploaded by hellocatfood. Not much else to say on this one. More info on the painting coming later.

  • Demolition!

    I was on my way to the Crescent Theatre when I noticed a large group of people congregating just off of Five Ways Island. As I now know from looking at the Birmingham Flickr group a demolition was taking place. I hastily got out my camera and snapped a few shots of the demolition!…

  • Long Stem

    Some newish artwork from me. More images finally added to the traditional art gallery.

  • Explode

    Some more new abstract work. Check out my portfolio for more

  • Something Pie

    78|500 Some new vector artwork from me. It’s one of a series of abstract pieces revolving around the use of letter-like symbols and very vibrant colours. Some more portraits coming soon. Check my portfolio for more. Ya heard!

  • As I continue to break my blog…

    Now that I’ve found out how to make a static page my home page I want to be able to display, say, three of the most recent posts on that static page. Any clues on how to do it? I’ve had a search on WordPress for a ‘sticky‘ plugin, hoping that it’ll simply be…

  • Birmingham Bloggers Meet

    I’m sure all of you in Blogging land have read this already, but the Birmingham Bloogers Meet 2 is on tonight! Here’s the details, grabbed from the facebook group: Date: Monday, February 18, 2008 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Location: The Dragon Inn Street: Hurst Street B5 4TD City/Town: Birmingham See you all there!

  • Blue Remembered Hills

    This deceptively simple tale relates the activities of seven English children played by adults on a summer afternoon during World War II. On Saturday I went to see the matinée performance of Blue Remembered Hills. It really was a great tale and despite the actors obviously not being children they really did capture the…

  • Insectoid!

    Here’s one of the pics from the photoshoot with the talented photographer Steve Gerrard. The hive got back together tonight to do some more experimenting with lots of devices and cables, the results of which you may be able to hear within the coming weeks. Man, I need a laptop soon!