Although I’ve ordered a copy of FLOSS+Art, made by the excellent OSP I’m compiling my own thoughts on the concept of Open Source Art. You can view my progress on my wiki. I’m relatively new to using MediaWiki, having only previously used PBWiki, so once I have gotten my head around it more please…
I’m currently delving into Open Source Art. Here’s a mind map I created using Freemind (Click for full size) I’m still writing something more about it but it’s proving to be a gargantuan-sized task! Feel free to debate and discuss
This is my submission for the Illustration Friday topic, Vacant I interpreted vacant to mean blank and with that came the image of a blank piece of paper. A blank paper is very daunting to many artists and it’s no different with me. However if I start at a paper and think long enough…
This piece was originally entitled Krap. It started out with the text and was a reflection on my mood. This I felt was quite negative so I added the faces and am now transforming it into a portrait of a man who loves music! A reflection of my mood and also my first of…
This is something that came from a drawing session awhile back. I took one aspect of the drawing and started repeating and morphing it. I’m thinking of incorporating some miscellaneous objects in there somewhere.
Haven’t done a portrait in a while, let alone a self-portrait. Just a work in progress. To be completed sometime soon
A personal piece I’m working on. Finally managing to avoid using a plethora of colours. Made in Inkscape
This was originally going to be for Illustration Friday’s Packed topic but I hadn’t yet gotten to grips with Inkscape so it was late. Ah well, here it is for your enjoyment! This work is licensed under a creative commons licence: Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic