
  • Dataface update

    Dataface is coming along rather nicely! It looks different from my previous updates as I’m using a different method for glitching the typeface. This may change yet again if a script that I’m working on decides to work.

  • Lost in Walsall

    On Tuesday 25th May I found myself in Walsall for the second time ever to help out with an a.a.s Group project. In keeping with how I’ve worked with them previously, I didn’t really know all that much about the project until I got there. Upon arrival at the New Art Gallery Walsall I…

  • Theremin Day

    For the last month or so the fizzPOP team and Mr Underwood have been planning the awesomely awesome Theremin Day that took place at fizzPOP on Saturday 24th April. The day kicked off with an optical theremin building workshop, which produced some very interesting sounds. One person described the noises produced as “lil creatures……

  • Where does it all go wrong?

    I recently turned on the TV to find that the channel it was last on was totally glitching! What I kept trying to figure out was where the glitch was occurring. Sure, it’s on screen, but what part of the signal is getting errors? I imagine that there’s three places it could’ve gone wrong:…

  • The face game

    I’m working on a live performance that in some ways will incorporate glitch and perhaps animation. This is one step towards getting a finished performance down, but also a bit of fun.

  • Glitched Badges

    Badges from my video are now available from the Created in Birmingham shop! This marks somewhat of a new shift for me as it’s the second time that I’ve taken glitch off the screen and into a more physical form. I do like that when I sent the images to print I received this…

  • fizzPOP’s first birthday

    Recently fizzPOP celebrated the two of its first birthday’s. On January 26th the mailing list was set up and on February 28th we had our first meeting. We count each one as our birthday, which, in theory, means more cake! I’m really quite proud of what myself and Nikki have achieved so far with…

  • dev8d 2010

    From February 2th6 to 27th I was in London for dev8d. It describes itself as: Dev8D is 4 days of 100% pure software developer heaven. It will be intense. It will be exhilarating. It will make you a better programmer. • Learn to use unfamiliar languages (such as Python, Ruby and Clojure) • Team…

  • Very Public People

    I was recently involved in a project called Very Public People led by Ania Bas that took place at The Public in West Bromwich: The Very Public Person project is the brainchild of artist Ania Bas, and will see visitors to The Public meeting a variety of individuals who play a part in West…

  • Live coding at fizzPOP

    Ever since I went down to an Openlab workshop last year I’ve been fascinated by live coding. From Wikipedia: Live coding (sometimes known as ‘interactive programming’, ‘on-the-fly programming’, ‘just in time programming’) is the name given to the process of writing software in realtime as part of a performance. I thought about doing live…