Come Heavy Sleep

Come Heavy Sleep happened on 13th and 14th December and it was a great success! It seemed like the audience enjoyed themselves and for me, even though it was only 30 minutes long, it was a really exciting and challenging experience.

In my usual work I have more of a free reign over what I do and don’t as much knowledge of the running order of the performance. That, and I’m not usually performing on a two-metre high platform on stage in front of an audience!

Come Heavy Sleep

Come Heavy Sleep

Come Heavy Sleep

Come Heavy Sleep

Come Heavy Sleep

Come Heavy Sleep

Come Heavy Sleep

All of the visuals were made using a combination of Pure Data with some hardware things. I may do a write-up of the techniques I used in the hope that it may help others. It was very different from my usual visualisationing that I do in that I had to be a lot more controlled. Each scene needed to have its own personality and be precicely timed to moments in the performance. Essentially, I had to structure my Pure Data patches to shift between scenes. Yeah, will definitely do a write-up.

There’ll be an official video and photos from the performance itself in the future, but until then enjoy these visuals.

Thanks to Kindle Theatre for inviting me to participate in this exciting performance 🙂 It’s a work in progress so expect it to come back bigger, longer and uncut in the future!