I recently got a very nice package in the post all the way from Australia! Drew Taylor (aka bowsneak) sent me a package of art and zines, one of which was GLITCH COP!3R

[GLITCH COP!3R] was created as part of Sticky Institutes Target 168 2012 zinemaking challenge, in which a zine had to be created within 168 hours (1 week). The ‘secret’ theme for the challenge was ‘C3100 photo copier’.
All of the images in this zine were ‘stolen’ from the internet, and glitched to produce ‘a new work’. Images were selected from Google image search using the phrase ‘c3100’. It was maintained that the file name of each image must include the letter ‘c’ and the number ‘3100’. The masthead of the zine – titled ‘GLITCH COP!3R’ – also includes the alphanumeric ‘C3100’ (the ‘O’ is made up of an ‘O’ and a zero).

If you take another look at the front page you’ll notice that the font used in the masthead is Dataface. I think this is the first time that someone – other than me – has used the font for a project!
I was also sent lots of other zines including many issues of Death-Beam Dinosaurs, which you can download and print for yourself

Thanks again for the zines!
Speaking of zines, Birmingham Zine Festival is coming back again later this year.