Lumiére, 20th September

On Friday 20th September the Dark, Eerie and Manic remix video by myself and Alex Juno will be showing at Bloc Projects in Sheffield as part of Lumiére from 18:30 (Facebook event link).

Lumiére Screening

Lumière‘s focus is on the concept of light. Light and time; light and vision; light and being; light and perception. Light is something so simple, yet indefinite and vital. It allows us to see; it can expose and reveal but also hide and conceal; it can create different moods; it can be used, manipulated, obscured or enhanced by us but it is always there.

This travelling film screening then makes its way to Power Lunches in London on October 8th (Facebook event link), with more screenings to be announced in the future. Keep an eye on the Screenings page for up-to-date information. I think they’re still looking for other venues, so if your city/venue *cough*Birmingham*cough* wants to host one get in touch