Random String Fellowships

The awesome folk at Ludic Room have announced that they are now running a Fellowship programme for their Random String event. If you’re interested in incorporating digital technology into your practice then read on. I’ll be one of the mentors on this programme.


The Random String Fellowship is an opportunity open to artists and practitioners from any discipline, including visual arts, music, literature and performing arts, who are interested in embarking on a technology-focused creative enquiry.

We are looking for 6 enthusiastic mid-career artists with an established body of practice to explore how technology might make their work more interactive, develop a more meaningful relationship with audiences or explore future notions of co-creation and participatory practice.

What is the Fellowship?

The Fellowship is a comprehensive programme that includes:

  • 1-1 time with a Mentor to give training and support
  • Group development opportunities alongside other artists
  • Studio and exhibition visits
  • The option to spend time with academics from Warwick University
  • Attendance and presence at the Random String festival in June

We’ll also give each artist a stipend of £800 towards their time and expenses and we’ll provide £200 worth of technology to use in their enquiry and keep afterwards. We can also offer shared studio and hot-desking at our space in Coventry Canal Warehouse if required. There is no expectation that the Fellowship will result in a new body of work, this is an opportunity to play. We ask Fellows to honestly and openly experiment with the technology, share their experience via our blog through visual or textual means and to show any work in progress at the Symposium and at a final Pecha Kucha event charting your successes and failures.


How do I apply?

The application process is very simple. Please complete the application form here, including uploading a CV and any supporting images or weblinks and write a short paragraph outlining what you find interesting about the Random String Fellowship programme.

The Fellowship is only open to artists who currently do not use routinely use interactive technology in their creative practice.

The deadline is 13:00 on 18th April. Get applying now!