Below are a few examples of how you can use FFmpeg’s minterpolate to create artworks with a glitch aesthetic. You can read about how I used it for an artwork in this blog post. You can also grab the source file for these videos here. Give it a try yourself! mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=umh mc_mode=aobmc:me_mode=bidir:me=esa mc_mode=aobmc:me_mode=bidir:me=tss mc_mode=aobmc:me_mode=bidir:me=tdls…
Below are a few examples of how you can use FFmpeg’s minterpolate to create artworks with a glitch aesthetic. You can read about how I used it for an artwork in this blog post. You can also grab the source file for these videos here. Give it a try yourself! mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=fss mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=ds mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=hexbs mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=epzs…
Below are a few examples of how you can use FFmpeg’s minterpolate to create artworks with a glitch aesthetic. You can read about how I used it for an artwork in this blog post. You can also grab the source file for these videos here. Give it a try yourself! mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=esa mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=tss mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=tdls mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=ntss…
As you may have seen in this blog post I made use of FFmpeg’s minterpolate motion interpolation options to make all of the faces morph. There’s quite a few options for minterpolate and many different combinations of options that can be used. i had to consult Wikipedia to figure out exactly what the different…
From 16th January – 3rd February my 2016 piece Transformative Use will be on show at University of Greenwich as part of Granular: The Material Properties of Noise. Granular noise is explored as a condition of material transfer in this exhibition. A central concern across the works on display is the material state change…
I’m happy to finally share with the internet (and the TV) the visual ident I made for MTV If you’re living anywhere except for the US or UK you can see it on your TV screens. For eveyrone else there’s the internet! A massive thanks goes to MTV for inviting me to make an…
On Wednesday 29th April I gave my Allowing Mistakes to Happen presentation at Libre Graphics Meeting in Toronto. I was quite anxious about this because the attendees are, typically, developers of software and/or graphic designers. Looking through the archives I found only a comparatively small amount of presentations from artists talking about their artwork…
Back in January I posted some images of funky patterns. Today I’m formally releasing the script that brought the funk. JPG Glitch Pattern Generator Download them from Github. The first script, pattern_generator.sh, works by exploiting jpg compression on randomly generated images. The script starts by generating a 10px x 10px iamge containing three colours:…