
  • Motion Interpolation for Glitch Aesthetics using FFmpeg part 3

    Below are a few examples of how you can use FFmpeg’s minterpolate to create artworks with a glitch aesthetic. You can read about how I used it for an artwork in this blog post. You can also grab the source file for these videos here. Give it a try yourself! mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=umh mc_mode=aobmc:me_mode=bidir:me=esa mc_mode=aobmc:me_mode=bidir:me=tss mc_mode=aobmc:me_mode=bidir:me=tdls…

  • Motion Interpolation for Glitch Aesthetics using FFmpeg part 2

    Below are a few examples of how you can use FFmpeg’s minterpolate to create artworks with a glitch aesthetic. You can read about how I used it for an artwork in this blog post. You can also grab the source file for these videos here. Give it a try yourself! mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=fss mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=ds mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=hexbs mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=epzs…

  • Motion Interpolation for Glitch Aesthetics using FFmpeg part 1

    Below are a few examples of how you can use FFmpeg’s minterpolate to create artworks with a glitch aesthetic. You can read about how I used it for an artwork in this blog post. You can also grab the source file for these videos here. Give it a try yourself! mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=esa mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=tss mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=tdls mc_mode=obmc:me_mode=bidir:me=ntss…

  • Motion Interpolation for Glitch Aesthetics using FFmpeg part 0

    As you may have seen in this blog post I made use of FFmpeg’s minterpolate motion interpolation options to make all of the faces morph. There’s quite a few options for minterpolate and many different combinations of options that can be used. i had to consult Wikipedia to figure out exactly what the different…

  • Granular: The Material Properties of Noise, 16th January – 3rd February

    From 16th January – 3rd February my 2016 piece Transformative Use will be on show at University of Greenwich as part of Granular: The Material Properties of Noise. Granular noise is explored as a condition of material transfer in this exhibition. A central concern across the works on display is the material state change…

  • Basquiat’s Brain, 12th – 28th January 2018

    From 12th – 28th January a series of animated portraits, developed in response to the Boom for Real Basquiat exhibition, will be on display at Barbican. Barbican young creatives, along with artist and curator Antonio Roberts, present a collection of work in response to Basquiat: Boom for Real Artist and curator Antonio Roberts worked with…

  • MTV Visual Ident

    I’m happy to finally share with the internet (and the TV) the visual ident I made for MTV If you’re living anywhere except for the US or UK you can see it on your TV screens. For eveyrone else there’s the internet! A massive thanks goes to MTV for inviting me to make an…

  • Glitch GIMP

    On Wednesday 29th April I gave my Allowing Mistakes to Happen presentation at Libre Graphics Meeting in Toronto. I was quite anxious about this because the attendees are, typically, developers of software and/or graphic designers. Looking through the archives I found only a comparatively small amount of presentations from artists talking about their artwork…

  • JPG Glitch Pattern Generator

    Back in January I posted some images of funky patterns. Today I’m formally releasing the script that brought the funk. JPG Glitch Pattern Generator Download them from Github. The first script,, works by exploiting jpg compression on randomly generated images. The script starts by generating a 10px x 10px iamge containing three colours:…