
  • GLI.TC/H Gallery Opening

    Last night team GLI.TC/H was hard at work getting the gallery at Roxaboxen ready. The gallery opening kicks off at 6:30pm at Roxaboxen and features work from some really great glitch art, videos and artware (oh, and one of my pieces). Be there.

  • GLI.TC/H bumper – No More Horse

    After many sleepless horse my bumper for GLI.TC/H is complete. It’s a collection of many different glitch techniques including vector glitching and compressing to 1 bit images. You can see some progress shots on flickr Play very loud.

  • Spinning Desktop

    The results of trying to take a screenshot using Shutter whilst spinning the desktop. See more on flickr.

  • Create your own glitch typeface

    Making Dataface was really quite an exciting journey. What started off as an attempt to make a typeface inspired by glitch art turned out to be a story of collaboration, exploration and hours of research. Here, I will go through my process. As you may have seen from my previous experiments in vector databending…

  • Dataface

    After months of hard work I’m happy to finally release Dataface Special thanks go to various hackers at fizzPOP for all of their help, GB for programming help and Scribbleboy for general guidance. You can view of preview of the font here on Flickr. There will soon be a lovely writeup of how it…

  • A Short Introduction

    Since I was introduced glitch art last May I’ve really been hooked on exploring this technique and how it can affect my artwork. One thing that I’ve never done is to explain why I do this, so here it goes! For me glitch art is about exploring the boundaries in which things will operate…

  • Dataface update

    Dataface is coming along rather nicely! It looks different from my previous updates as I’m using a different method for glitching the typeface. This may change yet again if a script that I’m working on decides to work.

  • Interpretations of Reality

    On 8th April I took a self-prescribed zine making day. Ever since the Gallery Of Owls meetup last year I’ve been increasingly interested in zines as a means of communication and the DIY scene as a whole. After many failed ideas I finally settled on showing the journey of a pixel and how it…

  • Where does it all go wrong?

    I recently turned on the TV to find that the channel it was last on was totally glitching! What I kept trying to figure out was where the glitch was occurring. Sure, it’s on screen, but what part of the signal is getting errors? I imagine that there’s three places it could’ve gone wrong:…

  • Glitched Badges

    Badges from my video are now available from the Created in Birmingham shop! This marks somewhat of a new shift for me as it’s the second time that I’ve taken glitch off the screen and into a more physical form. I do like that when I sent the images to print I received this…